Digital media shares similarities with mass media or what we commonly know as mainstream media. Digital media is a form of media that disseminates information to a large number of people. However, these people do not all see the same content at the same time. This is because algorithms or the digital media platforms themselves dictate access to various content. These platforms often prioritize delivering content that aligns with our interests more than other topics. This focus on delivering personalized content characterizes digital media as community-oriented or community-focused.
Being community-focused affects both media consumption and content creation. It requires marketers to understand their product or service's target market better. Additionally, understanding the community aspect leads to more effective marketing expenditures.
With this community focus, digital media is no longer strictly mass media. The shift to community-oriented media has altered its landscape. There's no longer a definitive endpoint to its dispersal.
We won't see the end of it.
We'll identify the most popular personalities or the best content moving forward.
Not everyone sees every digital content.
Viewing and access are community-specific.
Therefore, using data to find spaces for communication or groups of people we want to communicate with is crucial today. It's not just about broad access but also about using media budgets more effectively.